Monday, May 14, 2012

monkey see, monkey shoe...

i'm now 40 weeks, 3 days pregnant -- aka 3 days over due and completely batshit crazy. i had a really rough morning, but then managed to find my sense of humor buried in some couch cushions amongst some popcorn kernels and change -- so i snapped out of it -- dr. appointment tomorrow, and so hopefully i'll feel a bit better after that. i shut off my phone and have been avoiding facebook like the plague... i'm tired of feeling pressured to produce a baby -- so i finally finished doing the hand sewing portion of these baby shoes -- they turned out really cute. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

a return to things i love...

once upon a time i was a blogger -- i'm serious -- i was dedicated to getting up every day and thinking of something to say on my blog -- and as far as i could tell people enjoyed keeping up to date with me via my little blog... and then for some reason or another *cough* working for la senza *cough* i stopped having any me-time and stopped blogging. 

how boring and bad is that? 

anyhow, i've tried a few times to start blogging again -- but it still seemed like i was having a hard time pulling off the proverbial bandaid, and so i never really got back into it. but long story short, here i am on pre-baby maternity leave, waiting for our first human baby to make his appearance into this world (6 days left til his due date) and i find myself finding things i'd love to blog about -- tutorials, photographs etc. that i wish i could/would share someplace besides facebook. facebook isn't a diary the way a blog is. 

so here is my latest attempt to start blogging again, and hopefully you'll enjoy what i post here, especially if we're related but don't talk much due to busy lives etc.

